Ad Format
Display AD format
Standard banners
The most popular digital banner ads sizes on Desktop and Mobile web traffic: 728x90; 300x250; 160x600; 970x250; 300x600; 320x480; 480x60; 320x50 ...

Native ads
Enhance user experience as well as raise the purchase intent, native ad format are the best choices for both the Publisher and Advertiser.

Onclick Pop
Instantly grab the user attention without disrupting their experiences by delivering relevant Pop-up and Pop-under ads.

Video AD format

Monetize your Video inventory with effective In-stream campaign. We offer Pre-roll, Mid-roll, Post-roll video ads.

Unlock new inventory source with this non-intrusive format, with video ads being embedded natively in-feed. It will be launched when in-view and collapse after view.

Highly interactive and pleased to view, our slider ads are clicked to view with option to expand for a brief 5 seconds when the user first launch the page.
In-app AD format
Naturally blended into an app flow, our interstitial format for Mobile and tablet include both videos and images.

The most desirable format for its effectiveness, our in-app native format can be finely customized for more accurate targeting.

Rewarded Video
Maximize your yield with our lightweight video ads that keep your app users happy and interactive.

Integration Guide
Ad tag
Easily implement the provided ad tags to your website source code. Each ad placement has its own ad tag that goes with a detailed report. Basing on these specific statistics, publishers make data-driven decision to further monetize their inventory.
Open RTB
Effectively eliminating the overlapping manual, labor-intensive tasks and communications needed. For publishers, open RTB creates competition for inventory, increasing demand and delivering higher eCPMs. For advertisers, the effort behind campaign creation, implementation and management is reduced. All open RTB versions are available.
Header Bidding
Follow simple step-by-step instructions and bring additional advertiser demand into your ad server, ensuring you get the best possible price for your inventory. We use prebid product suite to offer publishers multiple benefits designed to foster a better header bidding experience